Use the search box to look for information related to what you’re after.
For example, “Marketing”
You’re Probably a Micromanager, Here’s How You Can Fix It
If you find yourself saying “it’s quicker if I just do it myself” or redoing tasks because they’re not “good enough,” you may be stuck in a cycle of micromanagement. As we discussed in the Business Abundance Podcast episode on micromanaging, this approach can kill your business.
How to Market on a Limited Budget
Marketing on a limited budget can feel overwhelming, but the key lies in understanding what truly drives results. Effective marketing is not about spending more but about reaching the right people with the right message at the right time.
How to Attract Good Employees - and Keep Them
Have you caught yourself saying “there’s no good employees these days”? The matter of fact is, there are, you just don’t have them yet. If you want good people to work for, and with, you, you need to create an environment that they can grow and have opportunities in.
How to Create a Business Plan for a Small Business
A business plan that sits on a shelf is a waste of time. It can feel like a chore… and it is if you do it wrong. But the value of a business plan isn’t in creating a perfect document or creating a flawless path forward, it’s worth creating because it sets the stage for intentional action. Here’s how…
How Ambition Can Help (or Hurt) Your Business: Lessons to Learn
Ambition is a key part of running a successful business. It drives you to innovate, grow, and reach new heights. But without careful planning and flexibility, ambition can also lead to problems. In a recent episode of the Business Abundance podcast, we talked about how ambition played a role in the rise and fall of Dick Smith, a major Australian retailer. This post will break down the key lessons from that discussion and offer practical advice for small business owners.
How To Make More Money
Money is always circulating. So where is it circulating? How can you access it and make your business more profitable?
In this podcast, we talk about how and where to carefully and wisely invest your money so you give yourself the best chance of return.
Navigating Modern Workdays: The Pros and Cons of a Four-Day Work Week
The five-day workweek has long been the hallmark of routine. In recent times, this has been challenged. In response, businesses are taking on new ideas like the four-day workweek. See if this is an option to transform and benefit your business.
The Benefits of AI
AI is like having access to the smartest person in the room accessible for everyone, all the time.
How Tax Agents Boost Small Businesses
You wear a lot of hats on your business journey. You don’t have to wear them all. Give the “tax hat” to a professional
Overcoming Communication Barriers with Your Accountant
Your accountant is more than just a number wizard. They are an integral part of your business journey and their expertise can be a powerful tool for your success if you’re able to communicate effectively.
How to Navigate Challenges: Small Business Ownership
Small business owners are the passionate, tireless souls, wearing a hundred hats and putting out fires daily. But sometimes, the challenges pile up, and it starts feeling less like riding the waves and more like sinking in quicksand.
Creating A Business That Runs Itself
Many business owners struggle to separate themselves from every aspect of their business. They believe that to maintain control, they need to have their finger in every pie. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. It's important to understand that your job role as a business owner may not necessarily be to perform every task in the business.
Imposter Syndrome - The Business Abundance Podcast Episode 7
Imposter Syndrome - Episode 7 - The Business Abundance Podcast
Cost Cutting - The Business Abundance Podcast Episode 6
Cost Cutting - Episode 6 - The Business Abundance Podcast
Building a Community - The Business Abundance Podcast Episode 5
S01 E06 - Building a Community - Episode 5 - The Business Abundance Podcast
Change - The Business Abundance Podcast Episode 4
What happens if you're the one that doesn't change? - Episode 4 - The Business Abundance Podcast
Creating A Business That Runs Itself
Would you rather be in an office all day or have the freedom to do whatever you like, whenever you like?
Google My Business - Interact With Customers For Free
Google My Business allows a business owner to control how their business shows up across google locations like Google Maps and Google Search. For potential customers looking you up, verified businesses on Google are twice as likely to be considered reputable (Google).
The Secret To Making More Money
Whether your goal is to keep your business running, increase your take-home salary or grow your business, you need to increase revenues.
The Secret To Spend More Time With Your Family
Did you expect it to be this busy though? Unfortunately, the reality is that you would have more time for your families if you worked for someone else.
To avoid this situation yourself, here are three important actions you can take today.